Get Approval Flow

Understand stakeholders, typical timeline, and budget version requirements. Learn how to manage the approval flow of the marketing budget.

As CMO, you need to understand your budget and targets approval process to prepare the right materials and manage your time effectively.

Key questions to ask:

  • Are growth targets and budget approved separately, or is it one combined process?
  • What's your approval path - who are all stakeholders that need to review it?
  • Will you have an opportunity to present your budget, or just submit the file?
  • Are you expected to prepare different budget versions (like optimal and aggressive), or just one?
  • What was the typical process length and number of revision rounds in previous years?

Push for a Strategy Meeting First

Always try to secure a 30-minute meeting with key stakeholders before submitting your budget file. Use this time to present your strategy, growth targets, and required marketing budgets. Show them which channels are proven to work and what bets you are making. Explaining the connection between growth targets and budget needs in person will likely speed up your approval process. It's also your chance to address concerns early.

Share your presentation deck a day before the meeting. Include clear graphs showing revenue, conversions, and budget growth trends, plus spending breakdown by category. This helps stakeholders come prepared.
If you're only submitting files without a presentation, include detailed notes explaining key assumptions and decisions.